Friday 4 March 2016

Modular Not Very Modular - James McAndrew Environment

With most of the modular dungeon walls modeled and mapped (-textures). I started to piece everything together to see how it looked and all fitted together. The purpose of building an environment now, although the layout isn't really what we want, was to see if the modular pieces fitted together properly. I am made everything in Zbrush and found it easy to get things to be modular as i could just build everything off everything else. This test worked a lot better than i thought it would because i found a number of problems with the meshes and the modularity of everything. The main problem was that WallCorner02 wasn't modular with anything. As i just used existing pieces i had actually made the mesh backwards. This was an easy fix as i just had to rotate the wall parts around. This made the corner modular again.  

The other problem i had when testing this section of the level, was when joined together there where a number of holes and gaps in between the different meshes of the low poly. This was a problem with the low polys not the high poly. I am trying to fix this by redoing the low poly and having them a lot more square so hopefully there will be less space in between the meshes and fit together better. 
I'm pretty happy with the look of this test though, the brickwork works well together and even though the texture is just a internet found titling texture, it does give an idea as to what the final texture looks like.

The final major problem that i had was the joining together of certain parts, the meshes look very separate from each other and don't belong together. Hopefully this is a problem that will be fixed with the redone low polys but only time will tell. 


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