Tuesday 22 March 2016

Environment Redesign - James McAndrew Environment

Due to recent meeting in the team. The environment is a lot simpler than previously designed, which i am ridiculously happy with as there is no way that i could do everything that needed to be done in the time that i we had left. The new level design also meant that i could just use the assets that i had already modeled. The redesign was essentially the same level just a more condensed version. The reasoning for the redesign was that we realized we had been a bit too ambitious and the game was going to be too difficult to complete form a design side in the time we had. As i am the only environment artist i don't think i could have completed everything we needed and completed my other projects in the time frame.


The environment so far (unlit and untextured) is looking pretty good so far. As this isn't 100% finished this isn't the final look of the level however it will give a rough idea what the finished level will look like.

This also allows us as a team to properly test the level with the actual meshes that will be used. All that needs to be done is  to combine the movement, character and camera coding as well as the AI code into this scene so the testing can begin.


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