Thursday 24 March 2016

Level Redesign (Labyrinth) - Matt Glen (Concept Art)

Owing to time constraints and concern about the feasibility of some of our original goals for this project, the group decided to attempt to restructure the level into something more maze-like, taking the emphasis away from the combat aspects of the game (over which are hanging some question marks at the moment) and focusing more on evading enemies. After deciding on a overall layout of the map, the three distinct rooms and connections, I set about coming up with a concept for the internal labyrinth. Below you can see the original sketch provided by our Game Designer and then my design underneath.

The idea with this layout was to have a functional maze that could be slightly confusing and misleading at first, but would ultimately have multiple possible routes to the end destination. I began sketching in rough partitions and quickly established that it made sense to have three routes through the maze. I also knew I wanted to include the cell block design in there somewhere, as this had already been modeled, along with the starting platform which is a reworked version of my initial design for the last room of the game. Once these things were established, I quickly jotted in some example enemy placements to block the player's route, and marked in a start and finish. This was all done quite quickly, but it was necessary to get this to our Environment Artist as soon as possible to give us a chance of putting all of this together in time. Hopefully this new design will enable us to ensure there is a functioning game working by the end of the project, even if parts of the combat or other elements do end up not making the cut for one reason or another.

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