Thursday 10 March 2016

Dungeon Environment so far ... - James McAndrew Environment

 I have mostly been working on the dungeon part of the level, as this is the part of the level I am most happy with and most exited to work on. Its been a bit of a pain to get to this stage, partly because i had to redo most of the work i have done and partly because this is the first time that i am doing a proper modular environment and i wasn't really sure how well it was going to work out. As it stands i am pretty happy with the outcome and think that as a first attempt i have done a reasonably good job and am pretty happy with what i have done so far, although there are still some major parts that need fixing.


Although i have only completed the walls for this environment i think that when light properly and textured properly, i think that it will get a good representation to what Matt Glen (main concept artist) has drawn and concepted. 

Some of the major problems that need to be fixed and tweaked are the areas where two different meshes join together. The problems with these areas are the occlusion maps. I did do a past over these and add occlusion to the very edges where there was none, this worked well but i think these areas need to be refined and tweaked a little more. Some of the high poly models also need a little more work as well to make sure the fit the low poly better as there are gaps and the moment.

Despite this i am happy with the work that i have done so far and will do working more on this part of the environment to make sure its the best it can be.


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