Wednesday 6 April 2016

Environmental fog and atmosphere - James McAndrew Environment

I have been mainly working on the overall look of the environment. Environmental fog i knew was going to be a big thing in this environment, specially the starting area. as this area was an open part of the world i had to find a way to block the payer from seeing the edges of the meshes such as the rock face, as this isn't infinite they do end and i had to blend the rocks into the nothingness of the fog. To do this i started with cubes and added n alpha blended shader to it. This worked and got the look that i was after, however the edges of the cubes where block colours. As you can see on the top image below.

Problem Area

This sharp angle totally takes immersion out of the environment as fog doesn't have sharp edges. i took this area into maya and made a very simple mesh that would be used in place of the cubes. This worked a lot better than i was expecting and the result looks as it does below. 

I am really, really happy with the result of this experiment. it worked a lot better than i was expecting. Something i didn't plan on was the doorway being the only focus on the starting area, this isn't a bad thing and i tihnk works well to force the player to move through the doorway. Although this area is un-textured and unlit i think it will work for what we need.


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