Monday 18 April 2016

Box Art - Matt Glen (Concept Art)

While not a necessity for the game project, it seemed a good thing to do to put together some box art for our game. It adds a nice little bow to the project in a way. I had a few ideas for how it might look before hand, but mostly I only knew I wanted it to include the main character in some way. I began my first attempt at the cover art after beginning the 2D cinematic; the image of the wizard staring at the camera seemed quite powerful, so I tried adapting it. I got to the stage below with it:

This looked alright, but it wasn't particularly exciting and it didn't really convey what the game was about, apart from a bald guy in green trousers. I had a slight break-through when I finished a later scene for the cinematic that seemed to have potential to be a much more interesting image. I moved this scene into position in a new file and started working over it, and I ended up with this:

I'm fairly happy with this image on the whole, it has a nice drama and action to it that drops you right in the middle of what the game is actually about: magic punching. The composition is alright, with a slightly off-centre subject and a good transition of light to dark. The colours are perhaps a little on the grey side, but I think it works without being super-saturated. I think this works pretty well as a cover piece overall. Hopefully it sells the idea of the game too.

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