Monday 18 April 2016

Enviorment Assets - Skull Torch

Because of how I made the skeleton, I realized that I could use separate parts of the model to create other assets, so when I was given the task of creating a torch that would be placed through out the level I thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to showcase this. 
So I exported the skull as a separate object and reworked the mesh so that instead of a whole skull that had a jaw it would instead be a half skull, that I could place within a torch.

I then placed the exported skull within a scene where i could make it into a torch. I wanted to essentially make it appear as though they've stabbed the torch through the skull and then fitted it to the wall. In the screen shot below you can see how I have achieved this effect.
I also have unwrapped the UV's so that the skull is separate from the torch so that I could easily colour ID the two parts of the model, so that the skull will be able to have a bone texture and the torch can have a rusted black metal texture.

Above are screen shots of the finalized textured torch rendered in maya. I've been able to add a bit more detail to the skull by sculpting it in zbrush, I also wanted to add the same carved rune on the skull that is on the bracers on the character to give the idea that these runes are used to imbue magic into the objects within the world. 

UV Layout


Torch placed in engine. 

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