Sunday 17 April 2016

Aditional Particles & Skull Animation - Jack Schular Animation/VFX

I wanted to showcase the animations I had created so I worked with John to create a test animator in unity. I created particle systems for each of the spells using sprites from Matt and repurposed the Skull model from the torches. I rigged the skull very simply with 3 bones in order to animate the jaw chattering. We then decided to create a projectile spell using this model.

We chose 4 different spell animations I had created and I made a particle system for each. For the sustained spray animation I wanted to create a fan of flames but in order to get the flames to emit properly I had to create a new layer with box colliders to funnel the flames into the correct shape. For the groundslam I wanted to create something similar to the golems but wanted to make it unique. I created an initial particle system without a renderer and gave it gravity and collisions this made it bounce out in waves. The rendered particles are on a sub system following the path of unrendered particles. For the shield I used a single sprite of cracks and cut it up to be animated as a sprite sheet this was a quick way to create particles that looked similar to magical symbols. Rotating the particle systems in oposite directions around the player gave a good impression of a magical barrier.

For the final spell we wanted to create something more interesting we used the animated skull I had created to make a two part spell. The skull would be summoned from the ground and would follow the player whilst animating and could then be thrown forward as a projectile that would explode into fire.

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