Sunday 17 April 2016

Particles - Jack Schular

I was required to create particles for the lights throughout our level I first created a torch out of skeleton assets created by Alex. And using sprites drawn by Matt I created a flame effect emiting from the skeleton bones. I used sub emiters to create a flame effect around the outside of the skull on the death of the first particle system when it collides with the skull. This gave a nice effect of covering the skull in flames as these embers were given negative gravity so they slowly rose upwards.

A second torch was modeled by Alex and so I set out to create a different particle system for this torch. The piece that the flames emited from was much more open compared to the torch I made so I wanted to create a much larger flame. I created a nice effect by using a similar sub particle system on the death of the first system. This created a bright flame that starts small and gets much larger towards the centre of the flame. I added smoke effects to each of the torches with randomised rotations to attempt to create a billowing smoke cloud. A flickering script was created by John to make the point lights flicker like a flame.

I then went on to create some particle systems for the golem attacks I made a shock wave of dust for the ground slam using sourced assets and an explosion for the final death to hide when the golem model is replaced with the death debri.

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