Saturday 9 April 2016

Coding - Sound Selector - John Howard - Jack Schular


Create a set of sounds then call them at appropriate times within the golem script.

Step One - Dehumaniser - ALL

The first thing that had to be done was the actual creation of sounds for the golem. I decided to book out the sound studios and produce the sounds using the dehumaniser software. Me Jack, Jamie and Matt all came in and recorded a set of sounds each this enables us to have a lot of sounds to chose from.

Step Two - Cutting - JACK

Jack then cut the different sound files choosing the best of each and creating a golem sound back for me to use. They were all cut down to specific grunts and roars with further development taken in regards to the pitch and volume. As many different experimentation had to be made in order to establish the sounds that would feel the most correct in regards to the golem.

Step Three - Scripting - JOHN

The final step of all this development is of course to set up a sound controller script. This script has many different elements to it and I shall discuss each section in its own instance.

  • Audio Source - The first section is to grab the audio listener that is upon the same object and thus be able to assign clips to it.
  • Array - Each sound section has an array to store all Idle/Alert/Death sounds within a set array.
  • A distance volume control - This section controls the volume dependent on distance. Using if statements to lerp the volume to 0 when distance is greater than 14 and to and 0.4 when under 11 but over 8. This system works really well controlling the sound just as needed.
  • Sound Assigning - For each state, Idle etc, a coroutine is present which calls a random int from the correct array. The Audio source is then turned on then turned off after a wait. And then a new random sound is assigned allowing a sense of variation.

Step Four - Footsteps - JOHN

The footsteps are slightly different all I've done is attached a new audio source with a single footstep sound. A trigger then turns this on when the fist touches the floor and then turns it off when the trigger is no longer touching. This is a simple solution and a better one most likely remains.


The sound system works really well however I feel like more clips are needed and more arrays that hold more passive sounds so as to really bring the golem into a better design.

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