Monday 18 April 2016

Crystal Lighting - James McAndrew Environment

The final stage of lighting the environment was to light the room with the crystal in. I wanted to keep this subtle with a slight purple twang to the colouring on the walls. The torches were kept the same throughout the level and again in this room the torches are as seem in the rest of the level. I added a spotlight and reflection probe to the crystal to bring it out a little more but what really made the crystal pop was to change the shadrer to a FX glass shader, upping the distortion made this mesh a little bit see-through and more crystal like.        

The reflection probe really was a pain to get working but when it was, it added a purple look to everything that it touched, which i think work quite well. This is a magical powerful glowing crystal and the lighting shows this. Although everything is a little dark i think this doesn't that anything away from it.


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