Sunday 10 January 2016

Thumbnail Concepts - John Howard

The first step when trying to understand what environments a game should have is to create a set of thumbnails and colour studies. This gives a broad range of options to the group and members can begin to visualize the direction the game ought to be taken in. And thus I created a set of images to start of this discussion.

Thumbnail Concepts
I'm a fan of the top right one. A dream-like feel with pastel colours to act as a unique take on the whole prison concept. However the team as a whole were more inclined to the bottom left with hints of the top left. A classic RPG dungeon with a root system clawing its way around the levels. And whilst I would rather go with the ethereal type one the groups idea of an under-forest dungeon could have its own merits.

Pen sketch of a under-forest complex

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