Thursday 21 January 2016

Concept Art - Starting Room - John Howard


As it turned out I ended up having an additional concept task to finish before fully stopping concepting for this project. And that was to recreate a new design for the initial prison room. It appears the group has moved away from the whole idea of a root system breaking throughout the complex. I think this is actually a poor design choice as the roots were a unique element that prevent the environment just feeling like a generic dungeon. However as I am not the group leader I have let my thoughts be known and just decided to do as asked.


The concept of the main room was to be him chained to the floor and I liked the idea of this being placed near a precipice or pit still as this helps highlight the prisoners importance. I went towards a very green colour scheme trying to get a magical feel. This was further attempted by the shards of floating crystal which, as mentioned in previous posts, are what bind his powers. I couldn't resist adding a root system in along the pillar so as to try break up the similarity of the piece. I tried forcing the perspective lines inwards. However i'm not entirely sure it worked, specially on the front collums.

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