Wednesday 13 January 2016

Concept Art - Crystal Room - John Howard


The next environment I was asked to design was a corridor that held a crystal of some sort at the end. This crystal would be one of the ones that gives the player a power. And so has to look important enough to draw the players attention quite easily.

The Image

The first idea I had before even starting the piece was to again try experimenting with perspective. And as can be seen from the image I went for a 3/4 view from above with a slight fish-eye lens effect. I tried to go for a very dramatic colour scheme with lots of reds so to contract with the usual greys/purples so as to attract the players attention more. The crystal itself I split into 4 so as to have the option of animating around each other so as to again highlight its importance to the player. The painting of the images itself was interesting as I was messing around with colours but wanting to keep it rough still. I believe this worked for the floor but had lesser success on the far walls. As a design concept itself I think I needed more development to flesh out this idea and give it a more unique feel. But sadly I have been informed by the group that after the next creature concept I am to become the AI coder. So I must leave this development to the main concept artist.

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