Thursday 14 January 2016

Concept Art - Skulker - John Howard


My final concept task was one I assigned to myself. The current creatures were all very humanoid and I wanted to try create an interesting variation of an enemy. This enemy would also act very differently to the Golem and Archer types the other two enemy types will be.


The idea I came up with in the end was roughly based on insectoid-humanoid mergers. I wanted to create a creature that would sneak around and be rather close to the floor. Something that would use cover to group up and then swarm the enemy, thus whilst being weak individually as a whole they become dangerous. The design itself was made to be very dark so as to blend into the many shadows of the dungeon with a metal carapace that reflects the glow of its gems. They crawl on their stomachs dragging themselves with their claws. Their attacks are leaping like and try and drag the intended victim  to the floor.

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