Wednesday 20 January 2016

How to Move - Alessio Giustarini

As I've been mostly working on developing and perfecting the character controller for the group project I thought I'd give a quick update on how it's going.

The image above shows how the animator looks so far.

It's already gone through a couple of iterations and all the modifications done to it have their own particular reason. We can start to see the basic motion and death states which are pretty much standard for any animator.
I might eventually insert a Blend Tree State for the motion so the character can then easily smooth between walking and running, but it's not a priority at the moment.

On the side of that we have the combat system which is going to be quite unique to this game:
the idea is to have a three hit melee combo which will then smoothly combine with spell casting in between the attacks to enhance attacks, boost defences or dash away.
To do this I've had to create three different Basic attack states which were originally connected to one idle stance state but this cause the animations to play on loop. 
To solve it I created a stance state for each attack transition, which solved the problem, in part: no the combo loops itself all together but I believe that is something that is going to be solved in code.

As far as the spell casting, it still has to be developed since I was concentrating on making the initial animations done to figure out the process and any eventual complications.

In addition I added a second layer for combat in motion. This layer is masked so that it only affects arms and head of the model, so that when moving the animator would use the animations for the legs from moving and the attack animations from the combat layer.
The way it was set up though might change as changes are made to the combat system, for example we are already discussing changing to having a small time during each attack during which the character will be stationary, rendering the extra layer useless.

No matter what we will probably still use it for some of the spell casting but it's still to be decided.
Next step is refining the code and then start on the spell casting part of it.

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