Monday 8 February 2016

Character Ideas - Matt Glen (Concept Art)

The main character in our game is going to be a sort of martial arts, fighting wizard. He needs to look physically imposing, but also mysterious and mystical. Our project Manager put together the initial concepts for our main character and the direction we wanted to go in with him. Based on these, I created a few variations to help settle on the final look.

After putting these together and discussing the designs with the group, it was felt that the character needed roughing up a bit, as well as the inclusion of runic tattoos to help indicate a magical element.

These aren't particularly detailed character studies, and they are not entirely indicative of the final look of the character, but they should help us to see what it is we want to include in the character and what to avoid. Having certain optional details like a possible cloak helps to try out ideas and see what is potentially possible. In this instance, something more akin to the furthest right is probably a little closer to how the final character will look.

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