Friday 5 February 2016

Initial Rig Test - Golem - Jack Schular Animation/VFX

I initially had problems with rigging the golem with a humanIK rig. The rig would not function properly as the model was initially posed in a relaxed A pose. After sending it back to be reposed in a T pose with palms straightened fingers pointing along the x axis the humanIK control rig was functioning properly.

The original conept of the golem was designed to walk upright but due to the proportions of the legs being so small compared to the shoulders I thought that this posture did not fit the concept of a golem. I looked at real footage of gorillas as they have similar proportions to the golem model I was given. I decided that I would use individual animal charactaristics and movements to each of the 3 enemies.

It turned out to be very hard for me to recreate a golems movement in key frames in the video above are my intial test where I was working out how the golem will shift his weight through the different speeds of movement. I plan to make the shoulders rise an fall as the golem puts weight on each arm and focus the movement heavily on him using his arms as propulsion. I will also have to make it flow far more smoothly for the final animation.

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